Thursday 16 April 2015

3 Assignments & 4 Exams. Time to study- udy- udy!

Good evening, world!

So, it's that time of year again where summer exams are only weeks away. Your head is shoved in about 5 different books, your desk is covered in so much work you're unsure what piece of paper belongs to what module, your tearing your hair out and crying down the phone to your parents - or is that just me?!

The stress from work is really taking its toll and I thought I'd share 7 tips on how to stay calm when it all gets too much.

1) Take a nice walk! What's better than a bit of fresh air and sunshine when you've been cooped up in your bedroom for hours on end with your head in work? It's somewhat devastating when you see the sun brightly shining through your bedroom window and you have lots of work to do. A walk will surely clear your head and calm you down before you have to face another few hours of solid studying.

2) Do some exercise. It has been scientifically proven that exercise releases endorphins - a chemical that triggers a positive feeling in the body! So go for a run or take a swim. It's another reason to get out of the house.

3) Making a study plan/schedule will help organise your time. It will lead to less panic when the deadlines approach or when exam day approaches.

4) Eat well and sleep well! I know exactly what it's like when it comes to sleeping and eating when your stressed - the anxiety that comes with deadlines and exams will more than likely keep you awake at night or reduce your appetite. Make yourself have an early night and make yourself get up early in the morning. Have some brain food for breakfast - porridge and banana's are a good choice. You'll have the whole day to do your work then. Oh and remember to keep yourself hydrated so drink lots and lots of water!

5) If you need help understanding, don't be afraid to ask fellow course mates or teachers! You're all going through the same thing right now and so help each other out which in turn will help you out.

6) Remember to take breaks when you are studying. You may feel like you have sat down and done a lot of work in an hour non-stop but the information has more than likely not stuck in your head! For every 20 minutes of work, or whenever your mind starts to wander, take a 10 minute break. Listen to some music, watch an episode of Friends or something. Just take your mind off of that work for 10 minutes before getting back to it!

7) Finally - remember to breathe! Taking deep breathes will calm you down massively.

I hope all these tips, or at least some of them, will help reduce the stress that comes at this time of year. If you have any other tips that help you personally, feel free to share! Comment and help each other out.

Until tomorrow x

P.S. A very good quote by Mr Dylan Thomas - "He who seeks rest finds boredom. He who seeks work finds rest."

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